Friday, April 15, 2011

Duckies and Healing

I'm now the proud owner of two baby duckies! I'm unsure of their sex, as Keith won't "sex" them, and I'm not good with the anatomy of poltry. They are so adorable and are going to be a good addtion to our little "family". I'm still considering names, it would be eaiser if I knew the sex, so I didn't have to rely on gender neutral names.

Today I stopped in to visit a friend. She's someone I've known for years but was never very close to, and until my miscarriage, I wasn't close to. She's been the one I've confided in and looked to for support. Today I was able to talk about it. It hurts a litle less each day, but the pain and sadness is always there at the back of my mind. I don't cringe everytime someone says their pregnant. I don't cry everytime I see a new baby. I still get furious everytime I see someone complain about being pregnant, or their children. I'm feeling better after talking today. I'm still tossing around the idea of a support group, because I'm still afraid to be pregnant again. I don't know if I could go through it. I'm psyching myself out when it comes for my "monthly visitor". But she told me this is all normal, so maybe I'm healing at the right pace for myself.

It's amazing how new friendship build as others crumble.

1 comment:

  1. I've never had a miscarriage, but I can only imagine the pain you have gone through. Don't feel bad, you know those people that pop out kids like skittles are barely take care of them...I have really bad thoughts about them *knock on wood*. If a support group will help you, dig in sweetie!
