Tuesday, April 5, 2011

•Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

Take early March 2011 - My Niece Riley, Myself and My Nephew Brodie @ My 28th Birthday Party with the family.

1. I've never danced with a boy/man that was not family. Crazy huh? I went my frosh year to Homecoming and Sweetheart Dances, but never danced with anyone, I was awkward and shy and well Not Jessica Garvin. Once I got older, weddings I was always single, so aside from a dance with Dad or a dollar dance with my cousin the groom, I've never actually had a dance with a guy. I hope to remedy that soon, as we're supposed to go to a wedding this summer. I hope Keith can humor me. I don't need some DWTS Waltz, but a nice dance would make me a very happy girl.

2. I get wrapped up in a story. I live a very quite life, and you always can find me with a book in my hands. I get so wrapped up in the story, that they become part of my life. I hate books that aren't a series, because then I have to say goodbye far too soon.

3. I wish I would have lived my wild and free years after graduation a little more wild and free. I didn't party ever. I was promiscuous, but aside from a Birthday Party for Ian, I've never been to a club. It wasn't until a few years ago that I went and saw my first stripper. I was sooooo shy, but it was so much fun I went back twice more. Last year was the first time I missed a Widow's Weekend, only because I had no one to go with me. Now it's a minor regret that I've not really lived.

4. I've never been drunk. They tried to get me drunk on my birthday that just passed, but I didn't drink that much. It never appealed to me, I don't find drunks ammusing.

5. I've got an amazing memory. I baffle my mother sometimes, when I can recall memories from the age of 2. And not just little things, I can remember clothes, and the way rooms were set up. It's rather bizzarre.

6. I have always wanted to write a book, I've been tossing around the idea of writing a book about my adventures at work. I started a blog about it, maybe someday I'll take it a step farther.

7. I LOVE being an Aunt. I'd imagine it's almost as fun as being a parent. Brodie and Riley are so amazing, I can't imagine going more than a few days with out seeing or talking to them. I wish I had, or hope I still can have that kind of bond with Kaitlynn.

8. I can roll my tongue both ways.

9. I love being a hostess. I love having people over and cooking for them. Entertaining is just so much fun, and I think I do a pretty decent job.

10. My dream job, is to be a party planner. I don't know how I would go about getting into that line of business, but I think it would be so much fun! I work well under pressure.

11. I don't sleep well when I go to bed before Keith gets home from work. Most nights I'll fall asleep on the couch, and then after getting my good night kiss, go to bed. I can't imagine how people can spend weeks away from their signifcant other.

12. I've always loved the Golden Girls. I would love to have a group of girl friends and be like that 40 years from now.

13. I love washing windows. Something about it relaxes me. I may be crazy, but I think it's the best cleaning job there is, you're cleaning the windows to let the sunshine in.

14. I want to find a book club, I LOVE reading and talking about books I've enjoyed. I usually read books that people reccomend only because then we can discuss them!

15. I love my job. I know it's not glamerous and I'll never be rich, and I bitch about it occasionaly. But how many places can you work and get hugs from a not so little girl you watched grow up, or have customers care about you. My first day back at Fruchy's I got a half dozen hugs and even a kiss. It made me feel so special to be part of that family again. I love being able to harrass customers, and laugh at all the stupid things the public does.


  1. 1. I hope you get your dance...and soon!
    2. Anytime you want to come visit Alaska, I will let you stay with me if you in turn wash my windows ;)
    3. You could join an online book club....
    4. I love Kristen Hannah books! TEAR JERKERS!!

  2. I would love to come stay with you and wash your windows!

    I signed up for a couple, what I though were, book clubs online. And it wasn't what I expected. I need to search again. I've just started the new Kristen Hannah book, should be yet another amazing book!

  3. I'm reading firefly lane right now :) Oh, and any time you want to clean my windows, I have a spare bedroom with your name all over it!!
