Thursday, March 31, 2011

Time for a life change...

Tomorrow is April 1st... Or April Fools Day, but there will be no gags. I'm going to make some life changes. I want to be a better version of myself. I'm exhausted trying to make everyone around me happy, and hoping one day they will appreciate what I have to offer.

I have friends. Am I close with them? No. Do I wish I could change it? Yes. Now is that time. Facebook is supposed to be this amazing thing that brings people together to stay in touch. But actually it's a High School all over again. Trying to impress those who are "popular" or "better off" than you are. People forcing their issues, religion, opinions, thoughts and hypocrisy. I'm just tired of the childishness of it all. I'm not pointing fingers or naming names. If you're offended, then I apologize. I keep a lot of my opinions to myself most days, and I have a feeling most people wouldn't care to hear my opinions either.

Last year I saw so many lows and highs, but I'm still letting myself be afraid of life. I struggled through a miscarriage, and while many people knew I had one, they didn't know what I dealt with. I think it's great that people stand behind their religious views, I believe in something greater than myself, but I haven't come to terms with what I think that is. I don't believe that any one religion is the right one, I think it's just important to have faith in something.  I support the research of cancer, but I don't push my thoughts of getting checked and quitting smoking on people. I've lost too many loved ones to this horrible disease. A customer was just in the store the other day telling me how the Dr's have the information to cure cancer, yet they would lose to much money if they rid the world of this horrible murderer. Do people really feel that way? Am I just naive?

Stand for what you believe in, just don't throw it down my throat. Someone dropped a pamphlet in the store the other day promoting their Church, I tossed it. If I want to go to your Church I'll go. Don't stop at my house, or bombard me with your information. The internet is designed so that you can SEARCH for the information you want, and not have to wait for someone to knock on your door to give you their opinion.

Am I saying keep your opinions to yourself? Hell no. When I was pregnant I wanted to hear how other mothers did things. What I did not appreciate was the few that were very adamant about things I should or should not do. 

I'm tired of being left out in left field alone, because I'm not married, but not single and with out children. I feel like an extinct species. I'm in a loving relationship with the man that is my other half. But I'm fully capable of telling him I'm going out for the night. We're in a relationship that allows us to go out separately or together. We aren't bar hoppers or much of drinkers, but we're capable of going to a bar and having a drink and some fun. Just as we are capable of staying in for a night of board games. We're forgotten when it comes to functions of friends children. We don't have children, but we love them. I'm fully capable of going and having a blast at a child's birthday party, with out having a child of my own.

I have to book months in advance to see most people. It's a new generation. People are busy, but some of my fondest memories of my parents during my childhood was them having friends over for a game of cards. It's difficult for us, because Keith works on weekends, but he's able to take nights off.

I know, you're thinking why don't I make the effort? Well I have been. I invite people over all the time. I hate stopping unannounced, or with out being invited. Someone once told me they hate it when people just drop by, so that cured my urge for spur of the moment visits.

I love being here with Keith, but some days I HATE living in Mount Pleasant. I feel like I don't know anyone here, which is stupid because I used to work here, and I know plenty of people here. But it's back to that, everyone is so busy.

I'm looking forward to Missy moving to Mt. Pleasant. We've not spent much time together since her move to Mt. Pleasant, work schedules just don't mesh. But now we'll be neighbors practically.

I'm going to start a "Bucket List"... It's time to start living my life for myself. If someone wants to be part of my life they need to make 50% of the effort. 


  1. Good for you! I hope you are able to stay true to yourself and live your life for you! I have a bucket list, or as I call it, a life list. I wrote it up years ago, I add to it and *gasp* cross things off that I didn't do but no longer want to do! Oh yeah, you can do that you know!

    And hey, you're not alone, I'm not married, I have no kids....there are plenty of us out there!

  2. Thanks! I've just come to the conclusion, life is NOT a popularity contest. And while there may be plenty of "us" out there, I'm in suburbia surrounded by the "others". I just need to figure out how you make new friends in a town you don't work in.... I'll get there, in due time. :)
