Thursday, December 29, 2011

Let's Elope...

So we've been trying to pin down a date for our Wedding...

First issue was with the clash of dates with my sister. Now that she's getting married today, and having her "real wedding" in a year, we can chose any weekend in January. The whole time I've had my eye set on January 12, 2013, which would leave us two weeks in between our weddings. Which isn't to bad.

Today I received an email from Keith's niece, apparently the 12th is a busy day with the Kleinbriel family. I'm SOOOO glad Nicole messaged me, because January 12th is not only Keith's mother's birthday, but his brother and sister-in-law's anniversary. Bah! How does he not know this stuff?

So after sending him a text letting him know of his mistake, he want's to know what date now. His favorite number is 5, is all he gives me. If we move it up to the 5th, we're back to a week away from Nikkie's wedding. So January 19th or 26....

I wonder if they make a pill to help with his memory issues?

I'm not stressed, I find this all amusing at the moment!

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