Friday, September 16, 2011

Best Decision Ever!

So I must shout to the world from the highest building....

I LOVE my Book Club! I went into this thinking, "This isn't going to be what I thought it was"... I knew Kim from the store, and Mandi from Relay and had them added on my Facebook, but really aside from talking about book was this going to be awkward? There is a minor age gap, and who knows what type of books they read. But I gave it a shot. Our first meeting went decently, I had fun, and did not expect it to be that much fun, meeting all these new people. Next thing I knew I was LOOKING FORWARD to our next meeting. 

The books have been phenomenal, but more so the friendship. It's so great to sit and talk with these amazing women about so many different things, it's not just books. I'm learning about their lives and coming to have some of the best friends I've ever had. We came together with a shared passion, and I find myself wishing that Book Club (which will hopefully soon have a name) was more then once a month. 

We are going into our fourth month of reading, and I will admit, this is the first book I've not been able to "get into", but hopefully it's just my head cold/sinus issue. I'm sure when I'm at the hospital with mom next week I'll fly through it! 

Befriending these amazing ladies makes me wish I had closer relationships with my friends and sisters. I thought for a long time, maybe it was me. Maybe I don't make time for them, or maybe I'm not interested. But I've come to find out, it isn't me. I'll keep trying, but for how long do you keep trying before you move on?